Rapid Rehousing Services – RRH-is a short-term subsidy program that assists individuals experiencing homelessness find affordable permanent housing. Our staff provide assisting with:
- Moving costs, including:
- First month’s rent and security deposit
- Bedding and household essentials
- Identifying and accessing employment services
- Connecting to other community resources
- Budgeting for long-term financial support
Our case managers, housing navigator, and employment specialist assist with achieving clients’ overall goals.

Services for every visitor
Hillcrest Children and Family Center is a behavioral health care and social services agency that provides behavioral health treatment and prevention as well as community and family support services. We are a private non-profit organization founded in 1815 by First Lady Dolley Madison and chartered by an Act of Congress. Throughout its history, Hillcrest has offered primary prevention and mental health services to children and families.
With a commitment to providing each client with the highest quality, cost-effective, and timely service to meet their needs, we promote wellness and the well-being of our service population, staff, and the general community. We use an income-based sliding fee scale to determine our rates. SERVICES WILL NOT BE DENIED DUE TO INABILITY TO PAY.
Our Values
Treatment is a partnership between the client, staff, and a network of family and friends; strength is found through that community.
Fostering healing in a safe, trusted environment is critical for the well-being of those we serve.
Individuals’ efforts in seeking help reflect a foundational strength for recovery and growth.